Friday, June 29, 2007


So, yeah, I really have nothing else to write about except that I have had some kooky dreams lately. At first I was having really scary ones all in a row. Like in one these creepy people were gonna take me and the twins to some place "Michael Jackson" things to us. And in another one this crazy rich lady was trying to lock me in her stained-glass garage. The last one I actually killed a guy by stabbing him in the arm with a pencil. But this most recent one is still a little weird but kind of nice. See, I fell in love with this blind guy, and his face was kind of contorted, but he was a sweetheart. But the thing was he was diabetic, which for some reason meant I couldn't kiss him; it also meant he ate A LOT of peanuts. Anyway we spent all of our time together and I told him I loved him, he opened his eyes (meaning he wasn't blind anymore) and he turned into Polio...

Good one, I know.

I also just have to say I cried for the first time since Plug left the other day, I was walking in the rain and I felt myself REALLY missing her... I love you!!!

1 comment:

Goo said...

The crazy lady with the stained glass garage is a good start for your movie ideas.