Monday, June 25, 2007

new things

So I've been really bored lately seeing as how three of my best friends are out of town and all the other ones are extremely busy. And in these times of nothing to do I thought of a fantasticly teenager-y thing to do: write music! Right now I have two finished songs in writing, that also have tunes on the guitar which I taught myself how to play this week. And I have a bunch of other songs in the process of writing. I am looking forward to putting them all together on the computer with some special program my dad has and hopefully it is going to be very cool and different!!

Another thing I've been talking to my dad about is making movies. I mean of course I want to act, but I also want to direct. And to do this I am thinking of going to film school. So my dad and I were talking about how I have to write a movie and then shoot it and edit it and all that crap... well first of all I don't even have a video camera, so I'll need to save up for that. And I am having soooooooo much trouble thinking of good movie ideas. I mean, it's really hard, I have a couple of just buds of ideas but none that are good plots. I need good ideas, and serious ones!.......


polio said...

well i dunno if i have ideas for you, but when you get some, if you want input, let me know.
oh and i'll costar too... you know... if you want.

oh and your guitar skills are rockin.

Palindrome said...

oo you should make a movie of hamlet but do it someplace weird like kenya, with some other animal like lions or something..... oh wait, lion king... oh well i tried.

LIT said...

Another idea for a movie---suppose a mother takes a job in another country and the children are left at home with their dad for an extended time, and some of the passports haven't come, and they don't know where they're going to live until the house they've rented is available, and the kids haven't even seen the new country, and they are uncertain about what is coming, and . . . . It's just a thought.

plug said...

How about a movie about a lonely phrenologist who can't seem to find a good chicken-fried steak?

Actually, I think there are good plots in any social psych textbook - back int he days when there was no ethics code for researchers and they could all kinds of awesome - oops, I mean horrible - experiments. A movie about what happens to those participants would be cool.

polio said...

and slightly disturbing, like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Dagromm said...

What kind of story do you want? I've got tons of ideas, and little motivation. We could make a good team.

Goo said...

Plug, apparently you didn't read the article the paterfamilias sent out about biking the coast of Nova Scotia. You're supposed to be searching out a local dish called poutine: "The move into old Acadian country is marked by the French language, massive Catholic churches, and poutine, a dreadful dish of french fries and cheese (sometimes melted, sometimes curdled) covered with gravy." This may disprove Rake's assertion that carbs and cheese are always a good combination.

Rake said...

I guess the thing I am looking for is an ending. Like I have a couple of ideas and they are... okay but I need like a resolution to all of them!

Dagromm-I want something with love, somebody dyeing, and possibly addressing an issue I strongly believe in, like gay rights or whatever.So, if you got some....

Rake said...


Rake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Goo said...

See, I was all set to get behind an activist script about somebody dyeing... Now I'm all disappointed.

Dagromm said...

I think the movie that you're looking for is called "Rent".

How strongly do you believe in a salary cap structure for major league baseball? That could make for a kick ass movie.

I'll think about it and send you something.

Rake said...

I actually realized it was Rent that I was describing right when I hit Publish Comment. But it makes sense, I mean it is one of my favorite movies. But I am serious that's what I'm looking for and I'm not so sure

DixieDallas said...

Check out Celtx. It's freeware with a movie script module.

As for endings, I watch a lot of movies on cable and hardly any of them have endings (case in point: last night on HBO, A Prairie Home Companion). Of course, you've heard about the ending to The Sopranos; classic coathanger! These involve auteurs with great reps. so the pressure is off for Opus I.