Tuesday, June 5, 2007

what's all the fuss about?

So, I saw Pirates of the Carribean 3 last night and I have to ask---what's all the fuss about? I've heard so much bad stuff about it that I just can't agree on.Yes, I may be just another teenager that you don't want to listen to but, seriously it's just a movie.Okay, it may be a little long, but if you're with the right people, as I was, that doesn't matter.And it's funny.Nobody can deny that it's funny.And I'm not just talking one part was a little silly, I mean the whole thing was a hoot.Again, maybe you just have to be with the right people.And, I have to say it, any movie with the greek god Johnny in it can't be all that bad.ESPECIALLY when there's like 50 of him at once!!!But, apart from all that, the fact that it is a 3rd movie still pisses me off.It's like nobody can think of new ideas for movies anymore; they're either making hella sequals to movies already made or they're just gonna go and remake movies already made!As an aspiring director and already professional acress I am very passionate about this.Oh, and one teensy little thing that bugs me about it is the ending, for those of you who haven't seen it yet, do NOT read on...the ending is like, back to the beginning of the "series", no resolution really.Whatever I guess I can live with a movie not being just another happy ending!


Goo said...

And again, my response to those who ask me, "Why do you have a picture of Johnny Depp on your desk?" is "Why don't YOU?"

plug said...

I want a pony ...

Rake said...

Oh lord, not to give anything away, when you see the 3rd one, there are like 57 Johnnys at once!!!


Goo: seriously you should see my room, I have posters of him GALORE!

LIT said...

Rake---J.Depp's almost as old as your father. Adore him, but get over it.

Nate said...

I am disturbed by how you objectify this poor man.

Goo said...

Gyuss, your only disturbance is that we don't objectify you the same way. Relax and take comfort in the fact that we objectify you in a unique and singular fashion unlike the way we objectify anyone else.

plug said...

I keep telling her to stick with the young ones and leave the Depp for me. They really don't make them any prettier do they?

LIT said...

Sandbox is a comer though, but not for Rake. That's based on the reactions of little old ladies who saw the family portrait.

polio said...

thankfully i've left the age of doting cheek-pinching little old ladies. haha sandbox.

Rake said...

I'm just saying he is beautiful. There is nothing wrong with that, people at any age can be beautiful; there's this toddler at our church who I think is the most beautiful girl ever. I really just want to do some acting work with him, you know, he could play my father...

plug said...

Uh, Polio. just a month or two ago you told, and I quote, "the oldies love me." There's more doting and cheek-pinching in your future, I predict.

Goo said...

They'll just be pinching different cheeks.