Friday, August 31, 2007

an off day

Okay so yesterday I registered for my classes and let me tell you right now that it took for fricking ever. But here are my classes if you are wondering:

Semester one-A: Drama 10

B: History IB prep

C: French 10

D: Math IB prep

Semester two-

A: Dance 11

B: English IB prep

C: Science IB prep


Okay now I have to explain it. IB prep is like AP classes, they are a little harder and faster paced. But they are preparing me for the International Baccalaureate (pronounce back-ah-lori-it) program. It's this big long thing that I'll explain later. Anyway it has like a couple of big long essays and it's for smart people. It doesn't start til 11th grade, hence the prep classes. So those I'm trying out to see if I can handle it. Okay CLM stands for Career and Life Management, so you know, blah. And PAL stands for Physically Active Lifestyles which is like my p.e. for the rest of high school. So both of those two classes are six weeks long, or like a quarter, and then I'm done with p.e. forever!!!! Oh, and if you don't get why I have four classes a day then make a comment about it cause I'm pretty sure I've told a lot of people about how it works. And I also have a really cool guidance counselor/dean person, he is so funny and young and kind of a rebel! He's also an american.

Anyway, that wasn't even the offness of the day. At lunch we went to an outside diner sort of thingy, and the wind blew hard and my dad got ketchup spilled on his pant leg, and both my sister and me got root beer spilled on the side of our leg, so it seeped onto our butts. Man it was so annoying. And when I woke up that morning, as I was doing my make-up, I got a bloody nose. Then, when we were sitting in line (in really comfy chairs too) to get me registered, I got a bloody nose. Then, when we were at home, I got a bloody nose. Then right before dinner I got a bloody nose. So, if you haven't figured it out, I had four, yes, FOUR bloody noses yesterday, over the whole day!!! That is so annoying. I also had two long, very painful cases of the hiccups in the evening, so it wasn't fun. Basically yesterday I was really stressed or something and it did not go well!!!


LIT said...

Your nosebleed episodes drove me to Google. I chose this response to forward to you. Nose bleeding is not only annoying, but usually untimely, i.e. not now, please. Who needs it?
Here's what Mayo Clinic said:

Nosebleeds: First aid
Nosebleeds are common. Most often they are a nuisance and not a true medical problem. But they can be both. Why do they start, and how can they be stopped?

Among children and young adults, nosebleeds usually originate from the septum, just inside the nose. The septum separates your nasal chambers.

In middle aged and older adults, nosebleeds can begin from the septum, but they may also begin deeper in the nose's interior. This latter form of nosebleed is much less common. It may be caused by hardened arteries or high blood pressure. These nosebleeds begin spontaneously and are often difficult to stop. They require a specialist's help.

To take care of a nosebleed:

Sit upright. By remaining upright, you reduce blood pressure in the veins of your nose. This discourages further bleeding.
Pinch your nose. Use your thumb and index finger and breathe through your mouth. Continue the pinch for five to 10 minutes. This maneuver sends pressure to the bleeding point on the nasal septum and often stops the flow of blood.
To prevent rebleeding after bleeding has stopped, don't pick or blow your nose and don't bend down until several hours after the bleeding episode. Keep your head higher than the level of your heart.
If rebleeding occurs, sniff in forcefully to clear your nose of blood clots, spray both sides of your nose with a decongestant nasal spray containing oxymetazoline (Afrin, Dristan, others). Pinch your nose again in the technique described above and call your doctor.
Seek medical care immediately if:

The bleeding lasts for more than 20 minutes
The nosebleed follows an accident, a fall or an injury to your head, including a punch in the face that may have broken your nose
If you experience frequent nosebleeds, make an appointment with your doctor. You may need to have the blood vessel that's causing your problem cauterized. Cautery is a technique in which the blood vessel is burned with electric current, silver nitrate or a laser. Sometimes your doctor may pack your nose with special gauze or an inflatable latex balloon to put pressure on the blood vessel and stop the bleeding.

Also call your doctor if you are experiencing nasal bleeding and are taking blood thinners, such as aspirin or warfarin (Coumadin). Your doctor may advise adjusting your medication.

Using supplemental oxygen administered with a nasal tube (cannula) may increase your risk of nosebleeds. Apply a water-based lubricant to your nostrils and increase the humidity in your home to help relieve nasal bleeding.
Well, this may not be the response you expected, but you know someone's reading your blog and cares about you. Hope your new school year is terrific and that the nosebleeds stop. Love you.

Palindrome said...

i don't think i've ever had a bloody nose.

plug said...

Like I told you, I used to ahve them often as a kid. I believe you'll grow out of them. I was glad you didn't freak out about it (at your new school) AND that they didn't freak out.

Rake said...

No I was a complete giggle box that day. I was just laughing and crying and laughing some more. Until DH told me to stop. He doesn't like laughter for some reason. Just kidding...

Goo said...

Wow. All those nosebleeds and I had a sudden flash back to living on Skillman in the back room with the Raggedy Ann and Andy curtains and Plug in her room with a nosebleed - in these flashbacks Plug almost always has a nosebleed. Sometimes, I'm lying on her bed fiddling with a loose tooth trying to get it to come out AND she has a nosebleed. Were the walls in her rooms really a tan-brown color or is that just my sepia tinted childhood?

Rake said...


Elie said...

Thanks for your kind words on my blog. I really appreciate it! And you, keep aspiring and making pictures ;-)