Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Work is work. Indeed.

It seems so easy looking at it from the other side, just talking to customers. But you have to make sure you ask open-ended questions, and you have to know every detail about every bra: like how the straps define the bra, like differ from bra to bra, and you can literally tell what the style is just by the straps. It is HARD!

But it's also fun, and I can't even describe the satisfaction of helping someone find something they need. It makes me really happy, it's weird. I know this was short, but that's really all the update I have for now. I will keep it up, and hopefully have something more interesting to talk about later. LOVE.


Goo said...

I told people for years that the primary reasons I stayed in retail as long as I did were that I like helping people find what they want and I like taking money from people who are happy to give it to me. Retail can be very difficult work when customers want you to magically provide them with a product the store doesn't have, or when nefarious persons attempt to steal from the store (in any one of an ever-increasing number of ways), but when you're honest with customers they are usually happy to deal with you and happy to come back.

I'm just glad to hear you're making it to work every day.


LIT said...

Hey, CB, I totally agree with Goo. Being honest with customers, finding what they want/need, and taking the money is great. When you don't have what they want and suggesting some other retailer who does works well too. (Hopefully, that isn't often.) You're obviously getting the drift of successful retailing. Glad you're feeling the fun and fulfillment of your work. You go, Girl!

So, how's college going? Is it keeping up with retail? Learning lots? How about the roommates? How's all that relationship(s) going? So many questions, I know.

Love you.

jaz said...

Yeah, but if Vicky has a decent employee discount you may get to purchase a good sampling so you really know what you are talking about when you make a recommendation. And when you have first-hand experience with the product it will be easier to remember the different features and explain them to the customers. At least this research is something that will help you out throughout your life!