Wednesday, November 14, 2007


So these are about half (the better half) of some poems I've written lately. Lately meaning in the last 2 months. I would love critiques, advice, and of course PRAISES!!!

Ode To Secrecy

How you don't even know

All day

All I think about

It's you

How you never will know

When you're here

When you're near

My stomach churns

H0w you don't want to know

My dreams

My thinks

My smiles



We notice them about ourselves

They occupy our mind

Taking up time

Thinking about them

Worrying about them

But do other people notice them?

Very rarely

When they do


Thats when we feel the worst

And our self-esteem


But I won't take it

All the judgement

All the negativity

There is so much more beyond this

Where you learn to not let other,

Ignorant people

Who don't, and don't want to, know you

To not let them see you as weak

To not let them trample your happiness

Because I am fearless

And yeah that's just a face

But then again

So are you

After All

What does it matter if we fail

We're all gonna die anyway

Some say we should plan

And practice

And do well

So we can do well in the future

But others say

Live in the now

Do what you want

Don't think too hard on it

But what do I say

I agree with both

And I question both

When you get older

If you did well in earlier schools

Then you'd be happy

And comfortable

And ready to die


But if you just do

Do the oppurtunities

And don't worry about what will come later

Then you'd be happy in the present

Cuz after all

You could die tomorrow

What if? If only.

What if we said what was on our mind?

Every time

The truth would be out

For better or worse

We may find out thoughts

We never wanted to know

We may hear things we knew

But never wanted to admit

What if we voiced our thoughts?

And never thought twice

We could lose love

Or gain grudges

But we could clear the air

And learn from our mistakes

If only we did let loose

Speak our mind

If everybody did then maybe

Just maybe

We wouldn't shun one person doing it

And we wouldn't have to apologize

For things we "didn't mean"

What if?

If only.


I'm scared

I'm scared to bring a child into this world

Knowing the bad influence of the media

And how the earth could diminish very soon

All this happening

Right before our eyes

Nothing being done

I'm scared

I'm scared

I'm scared of changing too much over time

I have morals, limits, beliefs

And teaching that to a child is




I'm scared

I'm scared

I'm scared to care too much or not care enough

Thinking absolutes is tiresome

And I have no way out

Trying everything

Knowing nothing

Wanting something

I'm scared

Love and Death




That's what it's all about

The words

The world


Is Everything

If you Love something

You want it

If you hate something

You want it

But you won't admit it

Love is the base

The motivation of all our actions

The reason

The explanation



Death is the main fear

Death of ourselves

Death of our possessions

Death of Love

Yet Death is birth

Fear of the unknown

Of what comes next

So we spend our whole life waiting

For Love

And for Death

Words, Letters

They are not for anybody else

They are for me

I write it

I control it

I live it



All strung together to portray emotion

You say

Earth, wind, fire, and water

The four primary substances

I say

Love, remorse, thought, and music

The four primary non-substances

We can't hold them, touch them

They are immeasurable

And they are the base of all existence

Merely A Fantasy

It's not

It's not a romantic love

Or a friendship love

Or a love that can be explained

It's just unchanging

It's there

And it will never go away

Just like light



I lay in bed

And no matter how long I think

How hard I believe

That you are here

Where I can touch you

Where I can kiss you

The sound of the cars outside my window

Reminds me that you aren't

You're not here

Not here


Here where one dream

Changes an ordinary day

Into an agony of waiting

Just one imaginary kiss

Brings me back to a world without you

I push you to the center of my mind

For hours at a time

But the fact that you don't know

Pushes you out again

I'm forever hearing a constant battle in my head

One side saying

No one can love this much

And never have it returned

But the other

Logical side

Replays the encounters we had

More than once

Where I was left alone

And you walked away knowing

Knowing my feelings

Though not the extremity of depth

And still


Rejection was the answer

So now

I'm waiting

I'm wanting

I'm loving

I'll never stop loving

It's unchangable


Even if it is merely a fantasy


plug said...

I think it's very brave of you to put yourself out there like that. I know when I was young, I would never have shown my poetry to my parents. I also wasn't that creative and didn't write any. Keep up the good work - you are following in your namesake's footsteps.

jaz said...

I didn't know Rake was named after Goo!!

Very impressive, Rake. Maybe Goo can send her publisher your way.

LIT said...

Jaz---a little family history: Rake was named for her maternal great-grandmother (first name, and also a writer of poetry) and middle name maternal great-grandfather which is also Goo's middle name for the GGF. Actually Goo was named for both her grandfathers (We were anticipating a boy.).

Rake--You seem to have a serious case of "female teenagerhood" and dealing with it in a really productive and healthy way. My Rx would be: Continue catharsis at regular intervals.

You asked for criticism; therefore in MERELY A FANTASY, change "lay" to "lie" for correct grammar.

Love you.

Goo said...

Lit, that is a somewhat convoluted explanation.

Jaz, I love sharing a name with Rake. However, we both get our writing talent from my grand-Rake, who was also her great-Rake and her namesake.

Yeah, not really any less convoluted is it?

Rake, I'm still reading the poetry - some of which I've already shared with friends of mine. Good work! Keep at it!