Monday, February 22, 2010


So the memory cards were found.

The first, mine, was found by Easel. It was in the pocket of the apron I used when I cooked dinner that night, the night that I lost it. I felt dumb.

The second, Easel's, was found by me. Today. It was in the packet, or box thing of gum I have, and I put it there for safe keeping.

Quick tip: don't put things somewhere for safe keeping, because it is probably so safe that you forget where it is. Like Christmas presents, Plug, and such.

I still haven't found the check, but it's only for 18.50 so it's not that big a deal.

Thanks for being concerned. LOVE. <3

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lost Things

One of the things I despise most is losing things. In the past week I've lost a check, my iPod, two memory cards, a pair of earrings, a pencil, my slippers, a necklace, and a hair tie. And of course things that I lose for like a minute here and there (my hat in the morning). But all these things have been or were lost from an hour to a day, or more. So far, though not all at once, I have found: my iPod, the earrings, my slippers, my necklace, and my hair tie. Of course the things I still can't find are some of the most important items, which are a check, and two memory cards, one being Easel's. I'm so very ticked off at the moment, and I've done everything; gone through all my steps, thought about the last time I saw them, checked EVERYWHERE, in all the weird places, double checked, triple checked, and then checked in the most obvious places AGAIN. I've done everything except find them! I do not know what to do.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

teen bogue

So! Do any of you read/look at Go Fug Yourself???

CUZ Easel and I just made a new blog, called "Teen Bogue" that is our version of it. We're gonna take pictures of people we see on the street that look bogus, and post those pictures, and write about them, alternating who's writing. We made up the verb "bogue", which means to be caught in the act of looking bogus, and having it made known. ("I'm caught---It's known---Oh god!") <<<< Someone who just got bogued.

Here's the URL:

It can also be found if you go to my profile, scroll down, and it's under "my blogs" as well as this one. :)

LOVE. <3