Saturday, July 18, 2009

Currently Happy

So lately, my days consist of waking up at nine, and working out with Aaron. Then he leaves and I consult my to do list that I've either made the night before, or I've only made it in my head so I then have to physically write it out. I then carry out my self-made "chores", usually blasting a different broadway musical if the task allows. When I've done all of my things, and Aaron has as well, he calls me up, and I usually go over to his house, we read, and eat dinner, and then read some more. I've convinced him to let me read Harry Potter 6 to him, since we saw the movie together and he had so many questions that I couldn't deal with the fact that he hadn't read it any longer. I know it seems a little routine, but it's really lovely, and I feel I'm getting a lot done. That's pretty much all. Comment if you like.


Goo said...

Sounds like a lovely, lazy summer. I'm envious.

LIT said...

Happy is good. Routine is good most of the time. Chaos, not so good---which is what I had last night. But, I survived.

Glad you're still keeping to your plan of blogging. It's not that hard, is it?

Love you.

Rake said...

No it's not. I'm glad I'm back into it again. LOVE.