Sunday, March 25, 2007

How I Feel

So, those of you who are wondering, this is how I feel about Canada (also, so I don't have to get asked this all of the time!):

When I first heard that we might be moving to Canada, I got really psyched. I thought 'This will be awesome I can start a whole new reputation, have a great place to practice my french, and live in a whole new city. An actual city. With beaches. It'll be such a change, a good change, I love change!'

Then my mom started telling me all about the place and how diverse and artsy it is, all the cool people, places, and things (and ideas, I guess)!!! Nova Scotia, New Scotland, that means hot scottish guys with hot scottish accents.

But whenever I would tell someone that I might be moving (again) they would get really sad, or angry, and wouldn't let me tell them how cool it was. I guess I didn't realize how much my friends would miss me. I guess I didn't realize how much I would miss them.

I'm kind of freaking myself out because I haven't really cried about this yet. I mean I can think about it long and hard but I just can't bring myself to tears. I did listen to the song "Leaving On A Jet Plane" and get a little choked up, but that's it! My very wise friend, Palendrome, said I probably haven't cried yet because I'm not physically saying goodbye to everyone. I know that when I do have to, especially to individuals I've known since pre-school (or dated), I will be bawling my eyes out!!

I am still really looking forward to moving though, my family talks about it all the time so I guess it has sunk in already. Still doesn't feel like three months away though. The crappy part is that we have to list everything we're taking, every little crumb. And that we won't even get to see the house before we move into it. Oh well...

So, to sum up, I'm still excited out of my pants to go, but it will kill me to leave the people here!


Goo said...

Glad you're excited, but keep your pants on, girlie!

Palindrome said...

I whole heartedly concur with keeping your pants on, especially when those hot scots are around!!! personally I have always been exited for you. sure I'll miss ya but hell I'll be in Africa so I can't complain. mabye I'll stop by and vist you guys on my way back.

plug said...

You're always welcome Palindrome.

Dagromm said...

If it makes you feel better (although it might do just the opposite) I don't talk to anyone from high school anymore. In fact I don't think I really did within about two months of graduating. Life is about change and learning. Be glad for the time that you spend with your friends because it helps shape who you are, but you'll be fine as you move on and so will they.
Now a days it's that much easier to stay in touch, what with things like your blog, but don't live in the past and stagnate.
I would've commented earlier, but I'm somewhat blog lazy with links and such.

Chillax said...

I didn't talk to anyone in high school.

Chillax said...

Actually, an old high school girlfriend called me up last fall. That sure threw a scare into me.