Sunday, March 21, 2010


So, news!

I entered a poetry contest and I'm a topical winner. I'm not a national winner, so I don't get considered for the scholarship, meaning I don't get money. But I do get published in an anthology titled "Of Faith and Inspiration". So I get to put it on my resume, and it gives me confidence; you know, I feel like I'm good at poetry. Here's the poem I submitted:


We live in a world with love.
Though people are more disgusted
By public displays of affection,
Than public displays of violence.

People look away
From people kissing;
But gravitate towards
A pointless fight.

Look at Love. Resist Hate.

We live in a world with color.
Colors of beautiful seasons:
A changing leaf, flower.
Colors of beautiful people:
The natural eye, hair.

But people look down,
When they walk,
When they talk,
When they look.

Look at Life. Resist Disconnect.

Look at Love. Look at Life. Look.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


So our family is a frugal one, and I am ever so grateful for it. I've grown up shopping at Goodwill, garage sales, Plato's Closet, bag sales, and the like. It does feel really good when you make a great buy for not much money at all. I have a method for myself to not be an impulse buyer: I ONLY shop in the sale section, and if I want something I leave and if I still want it 30-days later, then I should get it (or if I can't get it I know I really want it). But I've read in magazines that sometimes it's ok to splurge, like on something that you'd get a lot of use out of and that's totally awesome. Especially because everybody should like themselves, and respect themselves, and treat themselves to nice things every so often. And money is ridiculous anyway. So I thought I'd ask my oh-so-wise family on being frugal vs. a once-in-awhile splurge...???