I GOT INTO COLUMBIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(College Chicago) :) Yay!!!!!!!!
At Work:
A note on an employee's locker: "You have a new combination, please see a
14 years ago
Hip, hip, HOORAY!!!!!
So has a bidding war begun? Who's offering the best financial aid package?
Goo what does that mean? Anyways... You go girl!!
So, now what are the many things you are considering in your decision regarding which is the best match for you?
Taz, Sometimes people get accepted to a college or university and offered scholarship money to help pay their expenses. Sometimes they get accepted but no money is offered to help defray the big expense of a college education. If I recall correctly, one college has offered Rake $2000 a year for four years, and another has offered $6000 a year for four years. This doesn't come without strings attached. That means the student, i.e. Rake, would have to keep a certain grade point level to continue the scholarship. If this doesn't make sense to you, ask your dad.
The "bidding war" means how much money are they offering you. Is it more than the others?
Sometimes the one we like best doesn't make as much money available to us, and that makes the decision very hard. Do you take the one which offers the most money or the one you really like best? Hard choice, huh? You have to decide how much you want your parents to come up with or how much you think you can earn with an outside job. Really tough choice.
Does this help?
And sometimes the one that offers the most also has the highest tuition/fees/housing cost, etc. and even though they give the largest "discount," the amount left over for the student to pay is too much to afford.
Now is the time to start applying for Pell Grant, Guaranteed Student Loan, Work Study programs, part-time employment on and off campus, school-sponsored loans, and whatever else is possible.
Oh the fun you will have...
I'll leave a longer comment later.
I'm not going to call this year as I usually miss you anyway, and it would, without fail, be when your father happens to be home alone, and I don't want to cause him to have to move, hurriedly, to answer.
Hope the good things keep on coming for your new year. Much love . . . .
Happy B-day Rake your 18 now right if I'm wrong please tell me! I'm not that good with ages.
Thank you all, yes I am eighteen!!! Woohoo!!!
As to all the previous questions. I am officially going to Columbia, I am applying for FAFSA this weekend, I've been looking up and doing scholarships for months now, and not stopping yet, and will work, get loans and all that jazz. Woohoo. Exciting and scary and everything all at once! Ah! :) LOVE. <3
Okay I know there has been alot of explaining right now but, I don't know what FAFSA means can someone explain?! This is what happends when your one of the little ones in the family.
FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It's something you fill out that tells the government how much money your family makes and they tell you how much they might give you or loan you to help pay for college and the rest you and/or your family has to come up with. The kids in our family are lucky that your great-grandfather left you some money to help pay for school. Ask Dags about this. Rake has that money to start with, but still needs to apply for scholarships and may need to get loans and/or a job to help out. The DH and I can only come up with so much... So, if you will need to apply for scholarships, keep your grades up and excel in whatever you're good at.
Like for me it's language.
So are you definetly going to Columbia? Or are you thinking about going to a diffrent one?
No I am definitely going to Columbia!
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